I cannot believe I haven't touched this blog since April 8th! Well, actually I can. Re-reading that last post made me aware of how important that article ended up being for me. In short, I went into labor and delivered my daughter, Lucy, just nine days after that post. April 17th, 2011 at approximately 8PM little 6 lb. 1 oz - 21 inch long - Lucy was born in a water birth, at home, breech!
As I had written previously, I had chosen not to get any cervical checks after we were "full term" and I stuck to that decision. I also stuck to the decision not to have my waters broken if they hadn't on their own. Again, I reached the end of labor and still had not experienced my water breaking - my mid-wife reassured me that even if it NEVER broke, that would be fine and they would just break it as the baby crowned. That was comforting. But it did end up going on it's own as I began pushing and it was definitely an interesting experience. One that I'm glad I've been fortunate enough to experience so I can share that experience with my clients.
If you'd like to seek out the full birth story (along with some blog updates that happened during labor) head on over to my personal blog: Reilly Baby Stories If you're eager enough and search a bit, you'll be able to find my other two birth stories on there as well.
Since Lucy has been here life has been in the midst of one big transitional period that I feel confident saying 6 months later is coming to an end. We are a solid family of FOUR with a solid routine in place.
With this routine also comes the opportunity for me to take on more clients. Since the end of the summer I have been fortunate to attend one birth and organize myself to take on another one due in the beginning months of the year.
It all makes me very excited to get to a point in my life where I can take on more clients each month and make this a main part of my life. Birth is amazing and women are amazing in their abilities to grow, birth and raise their babies. I am a lucky woman to have gone down this path and be able to help other women find a fulfillment in not just having babies but in the experience of having them.
Until next time...
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